Rights of Persons with Disabilities to Access Public Natural Resources
Access to nature is beneficial to everyone, including persons with disabilities. Increasingly research shows that time in nature provides a range of physical, emotional and mental benefits and can enhance a sense of belonging. However, accessibility issues mean that the disability community is often excluded from the outdoors. This webinar will address the current environment of access, barriers to the outdoors, and how we can make nature more accessible.
Jeremy S. Buzzell – Branch Chief, Accessibility Management Program, U.S. National Park Service
Riss Leitzke – Program Coordinator, Wilderness Inquiry
Kristine Perry – Staff Attorney, Environmental Law Institute
Stuart Seaborn – Managing Director, Litigation, Disability Rights Advocates
Emily G. Bergeron (Moderator) – Assistant Professor, Department of Historic Preservation, University of Kentucky College of Design; Vice Chair, Environmental Justice Committee, ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice
Register HERE.
Animals and the Anthropocene: A Legal Scholarship Symposium
Please join the Animal Legal Education Initiative at The George Washington University Law School as they host its Inaugural Spring Symposium on March 24, 2023, titled: Animals and the Anthropocene: A Legal Scholarship Symposium. The Symposium will be co-hosted by the GW Law Environmental and Energy Law Program and the GW Law chapter of the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF). If you are interested in information submitting a proposal to be a presenter or discussant, please CLICK HERE.
The deadline for submissions is January 20, 2023, by 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time. The Program Committee will review all proposals received by this date and respond by January 30, 2023.
This Symposium is free and open to everyone interested in attending. It will take place primarily in person at GW Law School in Washington DC, with limited options to attend or present remotely. The in-person Symposium will feature all-vegan catering, including breakfast, lunch, and light refreshments at an evening reception.
If you are interested in attending without being a presenter or Discussant, stay tuned: the registration page will be available in early 2023. At that time, we will provide information about travel and nearby accommodations.
Questions? Email aleisymposium@law.gwu.edu
The Rights of Nature and the Crime of Ecocide
Philippe Sands and Jonathan Bate discuss climate change and biodiversity loss in this inaugural ASU-KCL Environmental Humanities lecture.
Register HERE.
Constitutional Convention in Chile
CONVERSATION: Dialogue with leaders of the movement on the approval of the #NatureRights at the Constitutional Convention in #Chile
Constanza San Juan, Alberto Acosta, Pablo Solón, Enrique Viale, Natalia Greene and Carolina Palma, with Henny Freitas as moderator, will be participating in this event.
Tuesday 29 March
11:30 am Ecuador time
13:30 Chile, Brazil, Argentina
Registration link: bit.ly/3DmgDhB
You will be able to watch live on the Facebook accounts of GARN, GARN Latin America and the International Court for the Rights of Nature.
Twelfth Annual Dimensions of Political Ecology (DOPE) Conference
CEJ's Director, Margaret R. Stewart, will be participating in the Twelfth Annual Dimensions of Political Ecology (DOPE) Conference entitled "Guiding Idea: Radical Imaginings & EcoFuturisms" on the "Ecocentric Governance: Earth Jurisprudence, Rights of Nature, and Shifting Legal and Policy Approaches (II)" panel.
The Conference will be taking place from March 24-26, 2022 and will include a variety of speakers and panels discussing the future of political ecology.
For more information and to register, please visit http://politicalecology.org/"
Rights of Nature and Antarctica Rights
The International Committee of the Green Party US with The Green Party of Florida and The Green Party of New Jersey invites all to attend, Rights of Nature and Antarctica Rights on February 5, 2022, from 1 to 3:00 PM ET, online during the 2022 Global Greens Virtual Conference, Connecting For Green Action.
GARN's Cormac Cullinan will be participating in the event as a speaker.
The newest #RightsofNature initiative aims to protect the Antarctic and the Southern Ocean. A call for global input on the zero-draft, democratically-created, Declaration for Antarctica Rights, launching on Earth Day 2022, can be found at antarcticarights.org.
Register for the February 5th, 2022 Global Greens Virtual Conference, Connecting for Green Action, at connectingforgreenaction.org.
The Politics of #RightsofNature
Conversation with Craig M. Kauffman and Pamela L. Martin, authors of “The Politics of #RightsofNature: Strategies for building a more sustainable future” book, hosted by GARN Youth Hub
Feb 3, 10 am EST
Sign up to the conversation: https://us02web.zoom.us/.../tZEtf--hrz8rHt1QqhBpUj02bSa...
Get the book today: https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/politics-rights-nature

Protecting Mother Earth Conference
Calling all Indigenous peoples and close allies -- you are invited to join Indigenous Environmental Network for our Protecting Mother Earth (PME) Conference!
This year we will be celebrating 30 years of "Protecting the Sacred" and planning for the next thirty years. Our PME will be hosted by Ya-ka-ama on 125 acres just 70 miles north of San Francisco.
Block these dates on your calendar and keep an eye out for more details coming very soon!
The Interface between Environmental Concerns & Spirituality
Mary Evelyn Tucker PhD
The Interfaith Shared Scholar 2020
Lecture: “The Interface between Environmental Concerns & Spirituality”
Sunday, January 26, 2020 at 4:00 PM
Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ
2050 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957
Seminar: “Thomas Berry & the Rights of Nature”
Monday, January 27 from 9AM – 1PM
Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ
Mary Evelyn Tucker, with co-authors John Grim and Andrew Angyal, has written the first biography about Thomas Berry, one of the 20th Century’s most prescient and profound thinkers. A former historian of world religions, his insights about humans’ relationship to the cosmos and our interdependence with a living Earth inspire and provoke a wider and deeper awareness of who we are.
Mary Evelyn and John were not only Berry’s students for over thirty years, they were editors and most importantly, dear friends. These dynamic and insightful scholars are all engaging story tellers.
You won’t want to miss hearing about Berry’s wisdom, Earth Jurisprudence,
“The Journey of the Universe”, and opportunities for the 21st Century.
Read “Thomas Berry & The Rights of Nature”
KOSMOS Magazine
Mary Evelyn Tucker is a Senior Lecturer and Research Scholar at Yale University where she has appointments in the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies as well as the Divinity School and the Department of Religious Studies. She teaches in the joint MA program in religion and ecology and directs the Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale with her husband, John Grim. Her special area of study is Asian religions. She received her Ph.D. from Columbia University in Japanese Confucianism.
Tucker’s concern for the growing environmental crisis, especially in Asia, led her to organize, with John Grim, a series of ten conferences on World Religions and Ecology at the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard (1995-1998). After the conference series she and Grim founded the Forum on Religion and Ecology at a culminating conference at the United Nations in 1998. They now direct the Forum at Yale where they also teach religion and ecology. http://fore.yale.edu/
The Shared Scholar programs are an interfaith offering sponsored by the Captiva Chapel by the Sea, Bat Yam - Temple of the Islands, Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Christian Science Church of Sanibel and SCUCC, as well as the Leo Rosner Foundation.
For more information, call 239-472-0497 or visit www.sanibelucc.org
Santa Fe River Bill of Rights Kickoff in High Springs
IF YOU ARE COMING TO OUR KICKOFF IN HIGH SPRINGS, PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR! I just heard that there are not many seats at the brewery. I'll post this on the event page, too. Please share this info with others who might be planning to come. Thanks!
Santa Fe River Bill of Rights Campaign Kickoff Set for Aug. 27th and 29th in High Springs and Gainesville
The public is invited to back-to-back SAFEBOR kickoff events, beginning at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 27th at the High Springs Brewing Company* in downtown High Springs at 18562 NW 237th St.
(*Note change in venue location. This alternate location is across the street from the previously scheduled North Florida Springs Environmental Center.)
The Gainesville event begins at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 29th at the Millhopper branch library at 3145 NW 43rd St.
The Santa Fe River Bill of Rights (SAFEBOR) campaign to enact new legal safeguards for the beloved river bordering Alachua County officially kicks off with events on Aug. 27th and 29th in High Springs and Gainesville.
If the ballot initiative is approved by Alachua County voters in the 2020 general election, the county’s home rule charter will be amended to recognize the right of the Santa Fe River to naturally exist and flourish as an ecosystem, and the river’s right to be free of activities or practices that infringe upon those rights.
Existing regulatory laws have failed to protect Florida waters, organizers say, and falling aquifers and slime-filled rivers and springs with diminished flows increasingly are the focus of news stories and citizen concern. Since the Santa Fe River springs are the top layer of groundwater that provides our drinking water, another serious concern is the health of that drinking water.
In order to secure a spot on the November 2020 ballot, campaign organizers and volunteers are poised to gather more than 18,000 petition signatures from registered Alachua County voters in the next six months. With voter approval, Alachua County will be legally positioned to elevate the rights of communities and nature above the claimed “rights” of corporations to harm public waters within the Santa Fe rivershed in Alachua County.
“The effort to grant legal rights to natural systems is part of a visionary new movement being adopted within the United States and internationally because people recognize that we need to fundamentally change the ways we are living with Mother Nature,” says SAFEBOR steering committee member David Moritz, who is also chair of the Alachua County Environmental Protection Advisory Committee.
The voters of Toledo, Ohio made headlines earlier this year when they overwhelmingly passed the Lake Erie Bill of Rights in the wake of a 2014 emergency shutdown of their city's municipal water supply, rendered unsafe to drink for three days by toxic algae and impacting more than half a million residents.
Ballot language and informational literature will be available and attendees will be encouraged to take home petition gathering kits. Donations to cover expenses for the all-volunteer campaign will be welcomed.
The other SAFEBOR steering committee members are nature photographer John Moran; writer Lu Merritt, who has worked with several springs defender groups in North Florida; and Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, a founding member of Our Santa Fe River.

Earth Rights Conference
“A true “right of the environment” does exist.”
A space for dialogue and co-creation about the idea that nature, not just humans, have rights.
Can this idea be the foundation for a new dimension of respect and harmony between humanity and the planet? The legal and existential dimensions of this question are raised and examined, in dialogue with leading voices for Earth rights from different parts of the world. This is the second international conference on Earth rights arranged by the Sigtuna Foundation in cooperation with Lodyn and Cemus.
May 10-11, full days
Sigtunastiftelsen, Sigtuna, Sweden
Register at Sigtunastiftelsen
Place is important. 100 years ago the Sigtuna Foundation was built with the aim to inspire human thought and reflection. Society has changed in many ways since then, but the ambition is still the same: to offer an open space for people with different backgrounds, traditions and viewpoints to meet, interact and learn from one another in atmosphere of mutual respect. A better place for discussing the relationship between humans and nature is hard to find. Visit Sigtuna Foundation
“Just as human beings have human rights, all other beings also have rights which are specific to their species or kind and appropriate for their role and function within the communities within which they exist.”

Public Interest Environmental Law Conference
This year, we want to empower our common interests to constructively and effectively work towards a healthy environment and combat climate change. The political divide felt throughout the United States and the world is more acute than ever. This polarizing trend is not only alienating cultures, races, families, and organizations with differing views, it is estranging groups within movements that have similar values and goals.
At the same time, evidence of unsuspecting alliances are forming in recognition of common interests. Currently, ranchers and indigenous communities are protesting against pipelines while environmentalists and farmers are working to conserve water. Inspired by the progress being made through finding common ground over contrasting backgrounds, Land Air Water made it our mission to incorporate it into PIELC 2019’s theme.
PIELC 2019 is built upon the shared belief that we have more commonalities than differences. By recognizing our mutual desire for clean air, clean water, and a thriving ecosystem for future generations, we hope to refocus our means by encouraging participation and inclusion to make this vision possible. Help make this conference one of diverse voices, ethnicities, cultures, and perspectives where all voices are heard regardless of background. Unite as one voice to protect our environment. Engage each other on a wide range of environmental issues. Talk with–instead of past–one other to reach common ground.
Register at http://www.lawfriends.org/registration.

Central Florida Earth Day
Central Florida Earth Day is back--bigger and better than ever! It will be held on Saturday, April 21, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at beautiful Lake Eola Park in Orlando. Please join us at the largest and most prestigious Earth Day event in Central Florida.
The event will include healthy living and eco-friendly exhibitors, speakers, and presentations; non-profits; fun and games for kids; dog and cat adoptions; restaurant booths; environmental and humane education; artist and craft corners; and live music and entertainment. Central Florida Earth Day will draw both committed environmentalists and those who want to learn more about how to protect our health, the planet, and its inhabitants. You can promote ...your business or group to thousands of people who want to learn more about environmentalism and the varied products and services that support an eco-friendly and a veg-friendly way of life. All money raised will be used for local environmental education and outreach.
For more information, visit www.CFEarthDay.org. This website will be continually updated as additional sponsors, vendors, restaurants, speakers, musicians, etc. are added. Please check back often for all the exciting changes! If you are interested in being a vendor, please go the Vendor Packet page. If you are interested in being a volunteer, please go to the Volunteer page.
Please also join us for other Earth Week activities to be announced. See you at Central Florida Earth Day 2018!
CEJ will be a vendor at this wonderful event. Stop by and see us!

Leaving an Environmental Legacy - Aliki Moncrief
Please join the Seminole Audobon Society and Aliki Moncrief to learn about the challenges facing Florida's environmental treasures and explore avenues for protecting those treasures.
Aliki Moncrief, Executive Director of the Florida Conservation Voters Education Fund, will explain their environmental mission and how the average citizen can engage with policy makers to influence environmental legislation. Ms. Moncrief was the Executive Director of the Florida Water and Land Legacy Campaign, the organization that placed the Land and Water Conservation Amendment(Amendment 1) on the ballot in 2014. Florida voters overwhelmingly passed this amendment with over 75% supporting the conservation of Florida’s natural resources. The Water and Land Legacy Campaign transitioned to the Florida Conservation Voters Education Fund and continues to work to ensure that the policymakers work to protect Florida’s natural resources and appropriate Amendment 1 funds as directed by the voters of Florida.

2017 Florida Solar Congress
Join Solar United Neighbors of Florida and solar supporters from across the state for our Inaugural Florida Solar Congress!
2017 Florida Solar Congress
Saturday November 4, 2017
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Valencia College, West Campus, Special Events Center (Bldg 8)
Parking available in Parking Lot F & G
1800 S Kirkman Rd, Orlando, FL 32811
The Florida Solar Congress is a free public conference that brings together solar supporters from across the state to learn and discuss the current state and future for solar energy in Florida. The day will include presentations about solar technology, energy storage, solar co-ops and policy topics. We will also hold a participatory open forum discussion for all attendees to discuss priorities that solar supporters should focus on in the coming year.
This event is FREE and open to the public. Everyone is welcome to attend!
The inaugural Florida Solar Congress will be hosted by Solar United Neighbors of Florida at Valencia College, West Campus.
9:00 to 10:00 – Doors open, registration – coffee and breakfast provided
10:00 to 10:45 – Welcome Remarks
11:00 to 11:45 – Presentations – Session 1
- Solar 101 Information Session, Jody Finver, Solar United Neighbors of Florida
- Growing Solar in Your Community – Panel Discussion, featuring South Miami Mayor, Philip Stoddard, FIU
11:45 to 12:45 – Lunch and Networking
1:00 to 1:45 – Presentations – Session 2
- Solar Policy – Panel Discussion, featuring leadership from Vote Solar, SACE and Sierra Club
- Solar + Storage, Dr. James Fenton, FSEC, UCF
2:00 to 3:30 – Participatory Open Forum Discussion
3:30 to 3:45 – Closing remarks
4:15 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Post-congress Happy Hour:
Continue discussing and connecting over happy hour at the Crafted Block and Brew, just a 10 minute drive (1.5 miles) from Valencia College!
Crafted Block and Brew - 2417 S Hiawassee Rd, Orlando, FL 32835

At a Crossroads: Native American Sovereignty, Water Rights, & Climate Change Webinar
Check out this fascinating webinar by the Civil Rights and Social Justice Section of the American Bar Association: At A Crossroads: Native American Sovereignty, Water Rights, & Climate Change.
Barry Law students can attend the campus viewing from 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. in LAC 209 or you can register to view it online at

Troubled Waters Screening
Florida has some of the best regulations when it comes to water usage; however, there is limited enforcement of these regulations. With continual pollution to our waterways and an increasing amount of people moving to Florida, will we have enough water to go around?
Join League of Women Voters of Orange County, Florida, League of Women Voters of Seminole County, St. Johns Riverkeeper, Friends of The Wekiva River, and the Valencia Earth Studies Association (VESA) for a very special viewing of this important documentary, followed by a panel discussion about threats to our waters, what it means for Florida and how you can help in the effort to protect Florida's environment.
Panelists include:
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Seminole County Commissioner
Lisa Rowe Rinaman, St. Johns Riverkeeper
James Adamski, Valencia College Professor
Public questions will be encouraged during the panel discussion. The panel discussion will address action we can take to protect Florida's waters.
6:30 – 7:00PM mingle and meet the panelists
7:00 – 8:00PM film
8:00 –8:30PM panel discussion
This event is free and open to the public.
Please RSVP at the link below:

Banking on Sustainability
Join IDEAS For Us on July 18th at 6:00 p.m. for a FREE and positive discussion on how Banking on Sustainability makes cents for everyone! More than just an environmental boost - you will learn how sustainability is a great way to improve the lives of People and Profit in the 21st Century. Presented by Clayton Louis Ferrara, a biologist and Executive Director of IDEAS For Us and featuring a special appearance by ESA Renewables - we hope you join us for a fun-filled and educational evening learning about Sustainability 101.
All ages are welcome, the evening will be perfect for young children and the young at heart alike.
You can reserve tickets here:
6 - 6:30 PM - Mixer and Networking w/ Food
6:30 - 7:30 PM - Educational Event
7:30 - 8:00 PM - Q&A and Networking