CEJ Director on Laudato Si
Here's video of Sister Pat Siemen speaking at the "Our Children, Climate, Faith Symposium" in Strafford, Vermont, on "Laudato Si," a call to all people to recognize that we are relatives and kin within the Earth community and protect our common home.
Sister Patricia Siemen speaking at the 3rd Annual "Our Children, Climate, Faith Symposium" in Strafford, Vermont. "Laudato Si’ issues a call to all people to protect our common home. It sets a cosmological context of belonging, of being relatives and kin within the Earth community. Throughout the encyclical, Pope Francis weaves a story of integral ecology. “A true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate the questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.” (49) In this time of climate change and ecological devastation we need an “Earthy” spirituality and an integral ecology that generates the moral commitment to create right relationships, for the sake of future generations and to protect our common home."
Interview with Vandana Shiva
Watch this 5 minute video of Sister Pat's interview with Vandana Shiva at Navdanya as she speaks on what the Earth is asking of us and the relationship of human rights as a subset of Earth rights.
Codifying Nature's Rights in Human Law
Linda Sheehan was one of 45 leading scholars, authors and activists who convened at The Great Hall of Cooper Union, New York City, on October 25-26, 2014, discussing Rights of Nature.
Clay Henderson "Evolving Green in Florida's Constitution"
Clay Henderson, Esq., speaking on "Evolving Green in Florida's Constitution: The Florida Water and Land Conservation Amendment" at CEJ's Future Generations Conference: Public Lands, Public Waters, Public Trust, February 7, 2014. (Excerpt.) For more information, visit VoteYesOn1FL.org.
Center for Earth Jurisprudence
An introduction to the Center for Earth Jurisprudence and its mission to support laws that legally protect the sustainability of life and health on Earth, focusing upon the springs and other waters of Florida. We cannot thrive and be healthy as humans unless nature and all her life forms are also healthy and thriving.
Cris Costello "Models and Options for Preservation"
Cris Costello, Regional Organizing Representative, Sierra Club, speaking on "Models and Options for Preservation: Floridians' Clean Water Declaration" at CEJ's Future Generations Conference: Public Lands, Public Waters, Public Trust, February 7, 2013. (Excerpt.)
Chris Byrd on creative legal strategy
Christopher T. Byrd, principal, The Byrd Law Group, speaking on "Models and Options for Preservation: Creative Legal Approaches" at CEJ's Future Generations Conference: Public Lands, Public Waters, Public Trust, February 7, 2013. (Excerpt.)
Eric Freyfogle on the role of science, law, and culture
Professor Eric T. Freyfogle, Swanlund Chair and Professor of Law, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, speaking on "Becoming Full Members of the Land Community" at CEJ's Future Generations Conference: Public Lands, Public Waters, Public Trust, February 7, 2013. (Excerpt.)
Mari Margil of CELDF on Community Rights
Mari Margil, the Associate Director of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, talks about the triangular regulation model that inhibits citizens from exercising their legal rights in this presentation at the Rights of Nature: Strategies for Change-Makers conference on February 1, 2013.