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Coronavirus, Capitalism and Global Inequality Series


A series of online public meetings hosted by Global Justice Now

6.30pm, Thursday 9 April & every second Thursday for two months

The coronavirus pandemic has not only shown us how unprepared our healthcare and food systems are in emergency situations but also how, in moments of real crisis, we can marshal extraordinary resources to solve problems facing society.  

It’s also shown us that while the wealthy get bailouts, the costs of fighting a crisis may fall on the most vulnerable and least responsible.

When this crisis subsides, we will still face the crises of inequality, corporate greed and climate change which present existential threats to global society. Now more than ever fighting these injustices must be a priority.  

Only very large-scale intervention in the markets, unprecedented debt cancellation, financial reform and massive bolstering of the public sector globally can both deal with these issues and restore employment in a post crisis financial downturn.

Join us for a series of debates and webinars about these issues and more. On Thursday 9 April we'll be starting with...

Business as usual isn’t good enough” Why neoliberalism won’t help the global south out of this crisis.

Myriam Vander Stichele, The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations / SOMO  (live from the Netherlands)
Tim Jones, head of policy, Jubilee Debt Campaign
Daniel Willis, policy campaigner, Global Justice Now

We'll be using Zoom for the event. If you want to join, follow the link just before 6.30pm on the day of the event. This will involve downloading the Zoom app if you don't already have it.